Weekly & Monthly Review Template

Goal-setting for the new year is one of my favorite activities. But as I put these goals into practice this year, what I felt I really needed was a way to reflect and keep myself accountable to my goals each week. I created this free, customizable template with that in mind, to keep myself and others on track to turn our resolutions into reality, and not get distracted by the noise that life inevitably throws at us.

Whether you're aiming to improve your health, advance your career, or develop new skills, this free, customizable template is designed to keep you focused and motivated.

Why I love it

  • Combines the mindfulness of journaling with the practicality of a spreadsheet

  • Lets me quantify how happy I am with my progress each week (data nerds rejoice)

  • Makes it easy for me to jot down a few quick notes on my phone while I’m commuting or otherwise don’t have the ability to sit down at a desk


  • Goal-oriented weekly check-ins to stay tuned in to your progress & challenges, and enable you to make improvements accordingly

  • Table to quantify how satisfied you are with your progress week-by-week

  • Accompanying graph that visualizes trends in your satisfaction, both overall and with each goal you’ve set up

  • Monthly reflection to celebrate your hard work, practice gratitude, and plan for the upcoming month

How to use this template:

  1. Access template here

  2. File > Make a Copy (if you’d like to use it on Google Sheets)

    1. Can also go to File > Download and select your format of choice

  3. Update any sections you’d like

    1. I recommend limiting yourself to the top 3 goals that are most important to you this year, but you can easily make room for more goals by selecting the row you’d like (i.e. Row 6) > right click > Insert 1 Row Above/Below

    2. I also find it helpful to copy/paste formatting: select the cell(s) with formatting you’d like to copy > Ctrl+C > select the cell(s) you’d like to paste formatting to > Ctrl+Alt+V

  4. When the next month comes, duplicate the sheet by right-clicking the sheet name at the bottom (i.e. “Jan”) > Duplicate

Happy new year, and may this year be your best one yet!